In this quinceanera list you will find the plans you need a year before your quinceanera party so that it goes as smoothly as possible and the quinceanera has the best day of her life.
Sample Quinceanera Party Checklist
12 months before
✅This is the month to start planning your Quinceanera party. Here are some of the recommendations we have for you
✅ Choose your godparents
✅ Make your guest list
✅ Check and quote important services for your Quinceanera such as the capacity of the banquet hall, dj, food, etc.
If you still don't know where to look for the best banquet hall for quinceaneras in Miami, visit our website and find the best one!
✅ Choose the theme or the colors of your Quinceanera.
11 months before
✅ Visit banquet halls that you like.
✅ Choose what will be the design of the invitations.
✅ Get a quote for the photographer
✅ Check if you are going to have a dress designed or a ready-made one.
10 months before
✅ Choose or reserve catering services, dj, florist and coordinate with the banquet hall of your choice how to integrate those services.
✅ Have your invitations made
✅ Reserve the banquet hall where your quinceanera party ceremony will be held.
9 months before
✅ Start checking what shoes and hairstyles you are going to wear.
✅ If you are going to give a souvenir, see what you are going to give.
6 months before
✅ In case you want services such as photo booth, limousine, people of ambience, check prices and start to set aside. Check if the banquet hall plans you have chosen offer these services.
3 months before
✅ Start handing out invitations
✅ Start rehearsing the dance
✅ Agree with your bridesmaids on dress colors and the like.
✅ Schedule your hair and make-up appointments
2 months in advance
✅ Try on your dress if you had it made and check that everything is okay.
✅ Notify the dj about the songs you are going to dance.
1 month before
✅ Prepare the speech you are going to give to your guests.
✅ Have your parents and godparents elaborate the speech they are going to give you.
✅ Verify the last details with the banquet hall, photographer, dj, florist, party planner, photo booth, etc.
2 weeks before
✅ Pick up your dress and try it on so that everything goes well.
✅ Start taking care of your skin and your diet so that you arrive to the day in the best way.
1 week before
✅ Check that everything is correct
1 day before
✅ Rest and relax, everything will be fine.
The day of your Quinceanera
✅ Enjoy it to the fullest.
✅ We hope this list of things to do for your Quinceanera party will help you have a great party.
Do you want to get ready for that special day? Don't worry about where you are going to celebrate it, click here to visit the best banquet hall in Miami for quinceanera parties.
